Everywhere you go, people are always trying to get the ideal selfie. Selfies have become a big part of our life. Nor is there really anyone to blame. Likes and comments are becoming an essential part of everyone’s life, particularly for younger people. If you frequently use the front camera on your phone, you are undoubtedly already aware of how difficult it can be to take quality selfies with it. Getting the ideal selfie is harder because front cameras are made specifically to focus on every little detail on your face.

Here are some tips to help you capture the ideal selfie.


An item of makeup equipment called primer helps to conceal any flaws on your face that can show up in your selfies. To get a flawless and uniform finish, use primer first, followed by foundation. This will make your skin look radiant and clear in the selfie.

Avoid sunblock

Sunscreen can actually make a selfie appear terrible. Sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 is always a good choice, but those with titanium and zinc oxide should be completely avoided. Get a nice sunscreen bottle with an SPF of at least 15, and apply it before heading out for a stroll on the beach to take those great self-portraits.


It’s imperative to use concealer, particularly if you have dark circles under your eyes. These black areas on your skin are frequently visible to the camera. Therefore, to get a flawless and even finish under and around your eyes, make sure you blend the concealer effectively. You will be able to take a fantastic selfie as a result of the camera not being able to detect the black circles.

Matte makeup

Using glossy makeup on your face can cause the light to reflect back into the camera lenses, thereby making your facial features appear larger than usual. All that shimmer can make your face look oily as well. For getting the perfect selfie, stick to using matte makeup on your face and the neck region.

Avoid pastel colours

It is advised that you stay away from pastel cosmetic colors, particularly if you plan to take any selfies. Use bold and dark tones for your eye makeup as pastel colours tend to look quite washed out in photos. You could even make your eyes more dazzling.

Check your makeup in natural light

There’s a good chance that the inside illumination will provide the wrong impression about your cosmetics. Ensure that you inspect your appearance in natural lighting to boost your confidence. To avoid going overboard, never apply makeup in front of artificial lighting.

Yellow tinted face powder

If you use shimmering powder, it may reflect light off of your face, which will change the way you want to look. Using yellow-tinted powder is advised, particularly if you’re feeling particularly selfie-ready.

 Enhance your eyes

Always try to make your eyes the point of focus in your selfies. Curling your lashes and applying a nice coat of mascara is a great way to enhance your eyes. Make your eyes more noticeable by applying shimmery eyeshadow under the brow bone and in the corner of your eyes.


4 reasons why makeup is better than a boyfriend

Of’ course, having a boyfriend is great, but let’s be honest—nothing is as satisfying as a shopping spree at the makeup aisle!

Makeup never keeps you waiting, lifts your mood up instantly, always keeps you happy and adds to your confidence! Now, can you say the same about a boyfriend?! While you take a minute to answer that, allow us to tell you that nothing makes us feel better than our makeup.

Here are 4 bang-on reasons to convince you that owning makeup is better than having a boyfriend…

1 Makeup will never cheat on you

Your makeup will never leave you for a girl who’s better than you. It will always stay loyal to you, come what may. Even if you accidently break your makeup, it will still work the same for you.

And your boyfriend? Let’s not even get started!

2 Makeup gives you your space

There are days when you just want to go all bare, without applying any makeup.

Does your makeup get annoyed with you? No!

Leave your boyfriend alone for a week, and you’ll see what happens!

3 Makeup will never judge you

If you feel like wearing outright glam makeup look just for running your errands, makeup will never judge you for this. You makeup allows you to do what you want!

A boyfriend, on the contrary, might just assume you’re a bit strange, and possibly judge you for being fake, artificial!

4 Makeup isn’t possessive

Whether you want to mix and wear three different shades of lipsticks together or you wish to switch from creamy to matte, your makeup will never get jealous and always understand you.

In contrast, there are high chances that your boyfriend might navigate a fight if you go out for a movie with your guy friend!

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